Unit 3: Boolean Expressions and If Statements

Logical Operators in Java for AP CSA

Introduction to Logical Operators

Logical operators play a crucial role in decision-making constructs within Java. By letting you combine or modify boolean expressions, these operators act as essential components in intricate conditional statements.

Core Concepts

  • Logical Operators: Tools that work on boolean values (true or false) to produce a resultant boolean outcome.
  • Boolean Expressions: Statements that result in either true or false, such as comparisons (x > y or name.equals("Alice")).
  • Short-Circuit Evaluation: An optimization technique that skips the evaluation of the right operand if the left operand is sufficient to determine the outcome.
  • De Morgan's Laws: A set of rules that help simplify boolean expressions.

Java's Logical Operators

Logical Operators Table

&&ANDReturns true if both operands are true.
||ORReturns true if at least one operand is true.
!NOTInverts the boolean value.
  1. AND &&

    • Returns true if both operands are true.
    • E.g., (true && true) results in true but (true && false) results in false.
  2. OR ||:

    • Returns true if at least one operand is true.
    • E.g., (true || false) results in true while (false || false) results in false.
  3. NOT !

    • Inverts the boolean value.
    • E.g., !true results in false.

Short-Circuit Evaluation

Java incorporates an optimization technique, known as short-circuit evaluation, for logical operators:

  • **With &&**: If the left operand is **false**, the right operand is not evaluated.
  • **With ||**: If the left operand is **true**, the right operand is not evaluated.
int x = 10;
int y = 5;
// short-circuit evaluation
if ((x > 5) && (y > 10)) {
    // if x > 5 is false, y > 10 is not evaluated
    // both conditions must be true for the code  to execute

Strict Boolean Evaluations

In Java, logical operators only work with boolean values. Unlike some languages, where 0 could be considered false and non-zero values as true, Java demands strictly boolean values (true or false).

Crafting Advanced Conditions

Parentheses can be used to create advanced conditions and set precedence among multiple operations.

Parentheses Usage

int age = 15;
String name = "Alice";
if ((age > 10) && (name.equals("Alice"))) {
    // code executes if both conditions are true

Common Pitfalls

Some common mistakes to avoid when working with logical operators:

  • Mistaking & for && and | for ||: The single versions (& and |) are bitwise operations, while their double counterparts (&& and ||) are logical operations.
  • Neglecting Parentheses: Forgetting to use parentheses can lead to unintended precedence issues, causing unexpected results.
  • Using = instead of ==: The single = is an assignment operator, while the double == is a comparison operator.

Practical Applications

Decision Making

Logical operators are essential for decision-making constructs in Java. For example, the if statement can be used to execute code blocks based on the evaluation of certain conditions as true or false.

int age = 15;
if (age > 10) {
  System.out.println("Age is greater than 10.");


Logical operators are also used in looping constructs, such as the while loop, to control the flow of execution.

int x = 0;
while (x < 10) {

Mastering De Morgan's Laws

To simplify and rewrite boolean expressions, De Morgan's Laws are invaluable.

De Morgan's Laws

Demorgan's Laws are a set of rules that help simplify boolean expressions. They are:

  • NOT of AND: The expression !(A && B) can be rewritten as !A || !B.
  • NOT of OR: The expression !(A || B) translates to !A && !B.

Homework for AP CSA Students



  1. Create a program that checks if a given integer x is both positive and even using logical operators.

  2. Implement another feature in the program where, given two booleans A and B, it displays the results of A && B, A || B, and !A.

  3. Challenge: Given three conditions A, B, and C, create a program segment that checks if only one of them is true (but not more than one).


In this comprehensive guide, we explored the role of logical operators in Java, their utility in creating advanced conditional statements, potential pitfalls, and practical applications. Grasping these concepts is crucial for any AP CSA student, as they form the backbone of decision-making constructs in Java.

Additional Resources

AP CSA Homework Assignment



  1. Create a program that checks if a given integer x is both positive and even using logical operators.

  2. Implement another feature in the program where, given two booleans A and B, it displays the results of A && B, A || B, and !A.

  3. Challenge: Given three conditions A, B, and C, create a program segment that checks if only one of them is true (but not more than one).

Relational Operators